This fits the brace of any trombone, single tube of any French Horn, and most trumpets.

Baby Witch

  • The black Vegan Leather strap is magnetized and comes with a ring magnet that includes a royal blue Brass Witch pencil and a white Pentel hi-polymer white eraser topper.

  • Fits on a single tube of most French Horns, on the brace of any Trombone, and most Trumpets. This is a great fit for Alexander 103s, Conn 8Ds and many non-”Geyer” style horns.

    Length: 6.5cm/2.5 inches

    Width: 5.08cm/2 inches

Slightly longer than the Baby Witch, the Small Witch fits on a single tube of a trombone, Bass Trombone, Cimbassos and more.

Small Witch

  • The black Vegan Leather strap is magnetized and comes with a ring magnet that includes a royal blue Brass Witch pencil and a white Pentel hi-polymer white eraser topper.

  • Fits on a single tube of a trombone or bass trombone, Cimbassos, and Euphoniums.

    Length: 8cm/3.14 inches

    Width: 5.08cm/2 inches

This is for Geyer-wrap double horns, most triple horns, 4/4 tubas.

  • The black Vegan Leather strap is magnetized and comes with a ring magnet that includes a royal blue Brass Witch pencil and a white Pentel hi-polymer white eraser topper.

  • Fits over two tubes on most “Geyer”-style horns and Triple Horns like Patterson and Engelbert Schmid Triples. Also fits 4/4 size Tubas.

    Length: 9.5cm/3.75 inches

    Width: 5.08cm/2 inches

Medium Witch

The Large Witch fits on Conn 8D’s, and instruments with larger gaps in the tubing such as Alexander 103s or Tubas.

Large Witch

  • The black Vegan Leather strap is magnetized and comes with a ring magnet that includes a royal blue Brass Witch pencil and a white Pentel hi-polymer white eraser topper.

  • Our longest Witch, the Large fits over two tubes on most Alexander 103s and Conn 8Ds, although the Baby Witch may be preferred due to its more compact size. Also fits 6/4 size tubas.

    Length: 13cm/5.11 inches

    Width: 5.08cm/2 inches


Before purchasing, be sure to check for your exact fit with Brasswitch’s Fit Finder!